Alicia (Married at first sight) hospitalized: deep concern and great anger, Bruno breaks the silence

The news is not good concerning the candidate of Married at first sight 2022 (M6). On October 11, subscribers toAlicia discovered that she was currently hospitalized with a medical condition.

A few days ago, the 28-year-old blonde beauty revealed that she was suffering from headaches, fever and a cough. She had therefore carried out a test which was negative. But this weekend, the result has changed, she has Covid-19. And as if that were not enough, she suffers from other pathologies. “I’ll let you know. I caught covidexcept that with my fragile health, it is not easy. I am hospitalized because I have pancreatitis [inflammation du pancréas, NDLR]. I have a fragile pancreas. But because of the medication, I also have drug-induced hepatitis. It’s been a year and a half that I was quiet with all that. I’m on morphine, so I couldn’t answer all of you. I’m exhausted, please respect it“, she posted in the caption of a photo in which she appears in a hospital gown, lying down, with an infusion bag located behind her. She should therefore be absent from social networks, the time to get back on foot.

Angry Bruno

Her husband Bruno, met during the filming of Married at first sight, also spoke on the subject. And he was angry! His dear and tender contacted him during the day, because he was working, to let him know that she was not well at all. Faced with the urgency of the situation, he quickly found her. “It’s been hard, because it’s the first time I’ve seen her have one of her fits.“, he specified before pushing a rant. He confided that when he had called the fire brigade, a nurse was transferred to him who then transferred the Samu to him. But he was told that a ambulance wouldn’t come forty minutes later, so the handsome brunette made the decision to take Alicia to a hospital himself, and once there, he found he had no medical service. emergency room.

Bruno went elsewhere, already annoyed, and it was not better. “I open the door, I go to the emergency room and there is an intercom. I hold Alicia and, for two or three minutes, nobody opens you. (…) Suddenly I arrive at the hospital, I had already had Alicia’s parents on the phone who sent me the file. You had to call the hospital where she had the operation [après son accident de la route, NDLR]. I tell them everything Alicia’s parents told me to say, to call the people concerned to get the medical file. But don’t give a shit. I hallucinate there is a real problem in the system. I spent my day hating everyone while I respect this profession. If you don’t love your job when lives are at stake, quit it“, he continued. As if that were not enough, with all these adventures, he has no more diesel. Let’s hope that the hours or days that follow will be better. not yet heard from Alicia, who fortunately was able to be hospitalized after these adventures.

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