Alicia Silverstone: Actress may have tried poisonous berry

Alicia Silverstone
Actress possibly tries poisonous berry

Alicia Silverstone is apparently quite curious.

Alicia Silverstone is apparently quite curious.

© imago images/Cover-Images

Fans are worried about Alicia Silverstone: In a video on TikTok, the actress eats a possibly poisonous berry.

Her curiosity could potentially have negative consequences for Alicia Silverstone (47). The US actress is currently in England and came across a plant on the street that she did not recognize. Without first checking whether the fruit of the plant was poisonous, she tried the berries in front of the camera.

Alicia Silverstone doesn’t believe “that you should eat it” – and bites into it

“I discovered something I don’t know what it is and I need your help,” says Silverstone in a TikTok clip, holding a bitten berry up to the camera. She had discussed with other people whether they were tomatoes. But they were “definitely not.” After accidentally dropping the berry, she takes a bite of another berry and even explains: “I don’t think you should eat that. […] Does anyone know what this is?”

Several users in the comments believe they know that these are the berries of a coral bush, also known as Jerusalem cherry, and they are poisonous. Some users are therefore concerned. “Alicia, that’s dangerous,” one of them says. Or: “Even my children know not to do that, Alicia.” Others ask whether the actress is OK after an update that has not yet been released.

If it really is a coral bush, “Clueless” actress Silverstone could be struggling with symptoms. According to Information from the University Hospital Bonn Eating just two berries can cause symptoms of poisoning. Possible symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal complaints with nausea. A critical dose is not known.


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