All barbecue meats from the most to the least caloric

Barbecues are synonymous with good weather and conviviality. But in general, barbecue meals are also high in calories.

Are you hesitating in the butcher section of your supermarket? Do you want to treat yourself, to delight your guests, but by limiting the damage a little? It is possible, because know that all the meats that are cooked on the barbecue are not equal at all from a caloric point of view and that it is quite possible to eat healthy by grilling your meat on the barbecue. . For this, it is necessary on the one hand to take care of the choice of your meat itself but also of the way in which it is prepared. Here is a non-exhaustive selection of meats that can be barbecuedand their caloric value, according to the site Ciqual de l’Anses.

Light barbecue options

If we automatically exclude fish which are, as you know, very low in calories, know that there are still many possibilities to please you, without blowing up the calorie counter. For example, by choosing simply grilled meats, your plate will remain relatively balanced, compared to marinated meats for example. Similarly, some types of cuts from the same animal are higher in fat and calories than others. Still need to know which ones.

A balanced barbecue meal

Remember that the caloric value of your food must be balanced with the rest of your plates. Choosing the most calorie-dense barbecue meat options, but eating grilled vegetables or fresh salads on the side, and a fruit salad for dessert is a healthy option. Just like that of accompanying your grilled lean meat with a small glass of rosé. The main thing is in moderation, and pleasure. Finally, don’t forget that if you tend to cook too much meat on the barbecue, it is quite possible to save certain types of food and eat them later by cooking the leftovers. Grilled chicken can be eaten cold in a salad, as can pieces of rib steak or a golden filet mignon.

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