all the dates of this astro event in 2024 (it has a big impact on all signs)

Mercury retrograde is an astro event that will occur three times in 2024. Here are the exact dates of this often-feared period.

Mercury retrograde. These are two words that can scare some people. However, this astro phenomenon is not necessarily negative. What is it about ? Mercury retrograde occurs on average three times a year for two or three weeks. Mercury moves differently. In the sky, seen from the earth, “the movement of Mercury seems to cross the zodiac backwards”, explains Sasha Fenton in her book Astrology at Albin Michel, hence the name of this event. This nevertheless remains an optical effect.

This period can be scary because Mercury is the planet of communications, transmissions, travel, etc. So, if it is retrograde, all these areas can suffer. Often, it is advised to avoid making too important decisions during this period. We do not recommend expressing oneself without thinking because communication is often very complicated and this can lead to inconvenience, arguments or misunderstandings. Fortunately, Mercury retrograde isn’t bad for all astrological signs. It impacts them very differently. When will this phenomenon occur in 2024? What are the astrological signs most impacted? It all depends on the sign in which Mercury retrogrades…

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The dates of Mercury Retrograde in 2024: April 1 to 25 in Aries

The planet Mercury goes retrograde first in April, almost the entire month. This retrograde takes place in Aries, a fire sign that is as loyal as it is fiery. This event invites each sign to take time out of their daily lives, to take a break, to think. This very dynamic and go-getter sign is forced to slow down and put some of these projects on hold: they must not draw negative results from them, but rather take the opportunity to ask themselves the right questions. This can be a blessing in disguise!

The dates of Mercury Retrograde in 2024: from August 5 to August 28 in Virgo and Leo

This summer, Mercury retrogrades in two signs: Virgo (earth sign), and Leo (fire sign). Earth and fire are elements that come into contradiction: Virgo has her feet on the ground, she is organized, sometimes cautious and above all, she takes the time to think before acting. Leo likes to please, talk, seduce, he likes the company of others and can quickly get carried away. Mercury retrograde in opposition these two signs can really make each sign very perplexed…

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Mercury Retrograde dates in 2024: November 26 to December 16 in Sagittarius

Once again, Mercury retrogrades in a fire sign: Sagittarius. An adventurous sign which will have to curb its desire to travel during this period because Mercury retrograde can impact transport and movement. During this period, each sign is invited to take the time before speaking at the risk of causing arguments and being misunderstood… Of course, Sagittarius is the sign most impacted: they will have to be patient.

Fashion, Lifestyle, Astro Journalist

Maude deciphers all the new fashion trends, whether on social networks or on the catwalks. She takes pleasure in selecting the new nuggets to obtain, the…

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