Allegations of abuse against her ex: Linda de Mol shows solidarity with the women concerned

Abuse allegations against her ex
Linda de Mol shows solidarity with the women affected

Linda de Mol has written an emotional letter to the women who are said to have been abused by their ex-partners.

© imago/ANP

Linda de Mol has spoken out about the abuse allegations against her ex-boyfriend. It was “unbearable,” she wrote in a letter.

Linda de Mol (57) commented on the allegations of abuse against her ex-partner Jeroen Rietbergen (50) for the first time. In a public letter on her website “Linda” the moderator writes that it is “unbearable”. Last week it became known that more than 40 candidates of the talent show “The Voice of Holland” accuse the musician of sexual abuse.

“My heart is crying for all the injured women,” explains the Dutchwoman. “I’m still shocked, stunned, angry, deeply sad.” Her head is “a jumble of thoughts and feelings”. After the allegations became public, the presenter separated from Rietbergen – the two had been a couple since 2008.

“Glimmers of Light in a Very Large Black Hole”

She thanks “all the lovely people who are rays of hope in a very big black hole”. You have received hundreds of cards and thousands of emails. “My fellow Linda’s sent me a box of love. Friends, family and co-workers stop by bringing food and comfort. I’ve run out of vases for all the flowers…”

The presenter, who became known in Germany through the program “Traumhochzeit”, also criticizes the way some media deal with the matter. They would accuse her of “knowing everything”. As soon as she is “on her feet again” she wants to “tell me honestly and openly what happened,” de Mol announced.


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