Allegations of abuse against the home – incidents in the autistic home make the canton of Geneva look bad – news


The Geneva authorities have insufficiently controlled their home for autistic youth. An investigation shows that.

Adolescents with autism who were denied food or who were dragged along the floor: the allegations against the Geneva home Mancy weigh heavily, especially because several of the victims suffer from autism so badly that they cannot express themselves with words. In one case, the public prosecutor’s office is even investigating suspected poisoning because a young person was given an unprescribed drug.

Today, the Geneva Department of Education presented an investigative report into what happened at the home, which has been in the headlines for months because of alleged violence by nursing staff. The canton initiated the external investigation in the fall.

Report: Problems have existed for years

Co-author Pierre-Alain Dard also spoke to the parents of seven children. After some time in the home, some even noticed regression in the children’s development, says Dard: Suddenly, for example, they could no longer eat independently.

According to the investigation, the problems have existed since the home opened four years ago. Even then, the buildings were outdated and unfit for a home. And the staff was not trained enough and was changed too often.

Important questions still unanswered

Due to its limited mandate, the external investigation was not able to clarify whether violence was used in the home. The canton did not want to anticipate the public prosecutor’s office, which is also investigating.

With the report published today, however, one thing is certain: the canton did not carry out regular checks in its home for autistic people. And early reports from carers and parents were not thoroughly followed up.

Dard states: “There is a defined procedure for allegations of abuse. This was simply not adhered to. Whether the allegations are true or not – they have been treated incompletely.”

There is a defined procedure for allegations of abuse. This was simply not adhered to.

Director of education again admits mistakes

In Geneva, the SP’s director of education, Anne Emery-Torracinta, has come under massive pressure as a result of the incidents at the Mancy home. Today she had to admit again that the canton failed to look after these children.


Education Director Anne Emery-Torracinta listens to the presentation of the external investigation report on the Mancy home on March 3, 2022 in Geneva.

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In recent weeks, the public in Geneva has accused her of reacting too late to the reports. Many in Geneva raised the question of their personal responsibility. Torracinta said again today that she believed too much in the assessment of the responsible authorities in the education department. In fact, the report blames the incomplete approach for problems not being reported to the top.

Expect more pressure

Emery-Torracinta is likely to remain under fire in Geneva after this report, especially from the FDP. After the party was expelled and Pierre Maudet voted out of office, the latter only has one seat in the seven-member government and is preparing the ground for the Geneva elections in a year’s time. The director of education is also threatened with trouble from a second investigation initiated by the cantonal parliament.

Meanwhile, Heim Mancy remains open. On the one hand, because the care is said to have improved. On the other hand, because the scarce childcare places are urgently needed.

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