Alleged Sexual Assault: Another Woman Files Lawsuit Against Sean “Diddy” Combs

Alleged sexual assault
Another woman files a lawsuit against Sean “Diddy” Combs

More and more allegations are coming to light against Sean “Diddy” Combs.

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Another woman is making serious allegations against US star Sean “Diddy” Combs. He is said to have drugged and abused her in 2003.

The American rapper Sean “Diddy” Combs (54) is facing another lawsuit. After four women and a man have already accused him of sexual assault and even gang rape, another woman has now come forward with massive accusations against the musician. According to the US website “People”, this is the former model Crystal McKinney, who cites an alleged incident from 2003 in her lawsuit.

The relevant court documents should be available to “People”. The then 22-year-old was introduced to Combs in a restaurant in New York City by a mutual acquaintance – an unnamed designer. Combs immediately approached the alleged victim and urged him to drink large amounts of alcohol over the course of the evening.

The musician later invited McKinney to his recording studio and gave her more alcohol and marijuana. According to People, the lawsuit states that the woman assumes that either one of the drinks or the cannabis she consumed was laced with a narcotic.

A sexual assault then occurred in a bathroom, which McKinney can still remember. She later lost consciousness and said she only woke up in a taxi. There she realized that she had been sexually abused.

There should be strong evidence

According to the report, there may be solid evidence to support the serious allegations. The unwashed clothing that McKinney was wearing on the day of the alleged incident is said to still be in her possession wrapped in plastic. In the course of a potential court case, these could be examined for possible clues.

Just a short time before these new allegations, a disturbing surveillance video from a hotel was made public. In the 2016 video footage, Combs is seen brutally pulling his then-girlfriend Cassandra “Cassie” Ventura to the ground, punching her and kicking her. The scenes coincide with a lawsuit that has since been filed against the rapper.

Three other women and a man are currently taking legal action against Combs over allegations of harassment and abuse. And his son Christian (26) was recently sued – also for an alleged sexual assault. The 54-year-old was responsible for his actions on the surveillance video in an Instagram post recently apologized. The other allegations he would according to his lawyers on the other hand, “categorically deny”.

At the end of March 2024, US authorities searched the rapper’s houses in Los Angeles and Miami. It involved allegations of “trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation”.


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