Alphabet: Google’s AI Bard made available to the public

( – Google announced on Tuesday that it launched a publicly available version of its Bard artificial intelligence technology on Tuesday, hoping to catch up with ChatGPT and Microsoft.

The service, currently only available in the United States and the United Kingdom on the page, should be extended to other countries and other languages ​​over time.

Internet users wishing to use it must for the moment register on a waiting list before being able to explore its functionalities, such as the automatic drafting of a list of objects to take on a camping trip. .

Google says Bard was developed using ‘LLM’ (Large Language Model) technology, a machine learning system that generates a response by predicting the word most often associated with the previous term.

‘Like all interfaces based on the LLM, it does not always understand things very well’, recognizes Google in a post published on its corporate blog.

‘But even in these cases, he makes us laugh a lot,’ he says.

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