Also for pensioners and children: Wirtschaftsweise Schnitzer for energy money of 500 euros

Also for pensioners and children
Economy Schnitzer for energy money of 500 euros

With the energy flat rate of 300 euros, some went away empty-handed. In view of the high gas prices, the Schnitzer economy calls for another, higher and more comprehensive energy money. This could be financed through debts – which, in their opinion, are probably unavoidable in 2023 anyway.

In view of the high gas prices, the “economic wise man” Monika Schnitzer has proposed a per capita energy money of 500 euros, the introduction of a new “energy solo” and the suspension of the debt brake in 2023. “Since we don’t have a system in Germany with which we can precisely relieve people with low incomes and low savings, I think a government per capita energy allowance for all workers of 500 euros this fall is the second-best solution,” said Schnitzer the “Rheinische Post”.

“You could also take children into account,” says Schnitzer. “This time, however, pensioners, students and transfer recipients should also receive the energy money,” emphasized the top Munich economist. “Since it has to be taxed, there is social compensation and the state gets back about 30 percent of the amount spent,” explained the member of the Advisory Council on the assessment of overall economic development.

Another suggestion: new solos

“Because this is temporary help for a temporary shock, there is a case for debt financing to better spread the burden of the shock over time,” Schnitzer added. “This could require suspending the debt brake again in 2023, on the grounds that the gas shortage was unforeseen and represents a national emergency. The federal government could consider setting up a loan-financed fund for the energy money, similar to the Bundeswehr special fund,” suggested Schnitzer.

“Another possibility would be to introduce a new solidarity surcharge to deal with the energy crisis for a limited time, for example two years,” said Schnitzer. “It’s not about reintroducing the old solos for everyone, which only the top ten percent of income earners currently have to pay. It’s about a new ‘energy solo’ that is levied as a percentage of income tax,” said Schnitzer .

The FDP is wrong if it rejects the suspension of the debt brake and tax increases in the current situation. “I’m basically in favor of the debt brake, but in the current situation I have no idea how we can cushion the consequences of the exogenous gas shock triggered by Russia in any other way. I expect that the application of the exception rule for the debt brake in the Basic Law will also be unavoidable in 2023, the only question is who will say it out loud first,” said Schnitzer.

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