Alstom: greenhouse gas emission reduction targets approved by SBTi

Photo credit © Alstom

( — Alstom has had its short-term emissions reduction targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as being in line with the levels required to meet the Paris Agreement targets.

The SBTi has validated the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets submitted by Alstom as being in line with its criteria and recommendations (version 4.2). The SBTi target validation team ranked the ambition of the Alstom Group scopes 1 and 2 targets and determined that they were in line with a 1.5oC trajectory.

Alstom updated its carbon targets following the acquisition of Bombardier Transportation in 2021, which led to an extension of the scope and therefore a revision of the greenhouse gas emissions baseline. Alstom has increased the ambition of its new short-term objectives compared to the previous validated objectives.

The approved short-term objectives are:
– Alstom is committed to reducing direct (scope 1) and indirect (scope 2) GHG emissions from its sites by 40% by 2030/31 compared to the 2021/22 baseline, in accordance at a trajectory of 1.5oC.
– Alstom is committed to reducing GHG emissions (scope 3) from the use of its rolling stock by 42% (up from the previous target of 35%) per passenger-km and 35% per tonne-km by 2030/31, compared to a baseline of 2021/22. These two objectives are in line with the “Below 2oC” scenario (B2DS), the most ambitious decarbonisation scenario in the transport sector.

To achieve these objectives, the Alstom in Motion strategy includes operational ambitions in terms of energy efficiency and transition: decarbonization of its activities, with the objective of achieving a 100% supply of electricity from renewable sources in its activities by the end of 2025; reduction of the energy consumption of the portfolio of solutions by 25% by 2025 compared to 2014; and eco-design of 100% of newly developed solutions.

The Net Zero ambition means that climate targets will be progressively extended to cover the entire value chain, defining the right measurement efforts and establishing the steps towards an absolute reduction of GHGs by 2050.


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