Amazing weight loss effect: This is what happens in the body when you hike regularly

Hiking is only for nature lovers? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Hiking often burns more calories than jogging and improves your endurance. FOCUS online explains.

Hiking is the three-in-one program for fitness, leisure and health. Anyone who thinks that long walks must be boring is wrong. Depending on your fitness level, a hike can be designed from easy to difficult.

In addition, the fresh air is incredibly good for the psyche. How often are we in the great outdoors these days? We provide some reasons why you should take your next gym session outdoors to the mountains.

Hiking for beginners: That’s what matters

If you have never hiked before, you may find it difficult to start hiking. Where to, which route, how long, what do I pack – these are all questions that need to be clarified in advance.

Can you really lose weight by hiking?

Yes you can. Hiking usually takes at least two hours, experienced hikers even longer. Anyone who thinks that two hours of walking isn’t that strenuous after all is wrong, because hiking is anything but a leisurely stroll.

Because the ground is sometimes quite bumpy, apart from the asphalt on natural and forest soil, different muscles are used to keep the balance. The heart rate is constantly slightly increased, which burns a lot of calories over several hours.

You burn just as many calories per kilometer when hiking as when jogging. Hiking is just the thing for people who find jogging too strenuous and sweaty.

You don’t get out of breath that quickly and the calorie burning happens by the way. If you choose hiking trails with steep bumps and climbs, you will burn more calories.

These muscles are exercised while hiking

  • legs and bottom: The more different the terrain, the more muscles are used when hiking. While going uphill may seem more strenuous, going downhill also requires good butt muscles to absorb the weight. It goes without saying that the entire leg musculature has to work from the calves to the thighs.
  • Strong core: What many people don’t know is that hiking is also a great core workout. If you want to keep your balance on uneven paths, you have to have a strong core.
  • Strong Upper Body: If you also walk with trekking poles, you can also train your arms and entire upper body.

This is how the hiking trip succeeds

Choose a pace you can maintain throughout the day without slouching. On inclines, however, it can also be slower. Since you have to stay fit for a longer period of time when hiking than with other sports, you should manage your strength well so that you don’t get tired in the end.

Hiking in the mountains makes us particularly fit: In the mountains, the body adjusts to the difference in altitude. The higher you are, the thinner the air becomes. This forces the body to produce more red blood cells. This increases the oxygen intake and makes you more efficient.

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