Amazon presents its new techniques to prevent counterfeiting

Amazon has just released its new Trademark Protection Report. The company details in particular its progress to fight against malicious actors and to prevent the resale of counterfeit products on its platform.

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While an American family has just been fined $ 51 million after selling counterfeit iPhones on Amazon and eBay, the e-commerce giant publishes this Tuesday, April 4, 2023 its new report on trademark protection.

In this document, the American company highlights the advances made by Amazon experts and new technologies to fight against malicious actors and prevent the resale of counterfeit products on its platform. It must be said that this is a recurring problem at Amazon.

Counterfeiting, a long-standing problem at Amazon

In 2019, the firm admitted that there were a lot of counterfeits on its site. To curb this phenomenon, the company had launched Project Zero, an initiative to help brands detect fake products. At the same time, Amazon has set up a generous return and refund policy in the event of a problem.

Year after year, Amazon has strengthened its arsenal against counterfeiting. Of the 2 million counterfeit products destroyed in 2020, the Seattle firm claims to have scrapped no less than 6 million counterfeits in 2022. But that’s not all, since Amazon is also announcing a drastic reduction in the presence of malicious actors on its platform.

This deterrence is based on two foundations:

  • the launch of the advanced seller verification process, including a one-on-one video interview with each potential seller
  • the constant improvement of analysis tools via machine learning

800,000 new seller accounts blocked in 2022

In total, Amazon announces the blocking of more than 800,000 attempts to create new seller accounts by malicious people. A figure in constant decline (2.5 million in 2021 and 6 million in 2020).

The company also welcomes the growing adoption of brand protection tools. Now, partner manufacturers can rely on these automated technologies to identify and report violations. So, the number of reports has decreased by more than 35% according to Amazon.

Finally, Amazon explains that it has focused on identifying and dismantling counterfeit networks. In 2022, Amazon’s Anti-Counterfeiting Unit (CCU) reported to the competent authorities more than 1300 counterfeiters in the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union and China.

Source : Press release

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