Amazon Prime Video overtakes Netflix as America’s favorite VOD service

The statistics presented by the JustWatch streaming guide present a dire situation for Netflix. According to them, Prime Video, Amazon’s VOD service, has taken the lead in the number of subscriptions on American soil.

The United States is often a forerunner in many areas, technology in particular. According to the Justwatch service, American Internet users would prefer Prime Video, Amazon’s video streaming service, to Netflix. If this trend is confirmed elsewhere in the world, the world leader in number of subscriptions may worry about its position.

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The fight rages on in the streaming realm. In video, several deep-pocketed companies are vying for mainstream favor. According to Statista, Netflix had 223 million subscribers in the third quarter of 2022, while Prime Video hit Amazon Prime’s 200 million subscribers. Concordant analyzes from Justwatch and Parks Associate claim that the streaming offer from the online sales juggernaut has become the preferred SVOD platform for Americans ahead of Netflix.

According to Justwatch, Prime Video is 1st at 21%, followed by Netflix at 20%

The figures aggregated by Justwatch do not show a huge gap between the two companies. Amazon has only 1% more subscribers than Netflix. It should also be noted that American subscribers to Amazon Prime Video account for almost three quarters of subscribers worldwide. Netflix depends a little less on its internal market. The position of leader on American soil is, of course, important and symbolic, but it will not necessarily be transcribed at the international level.

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If the year 2022 was devastating for Silicon Valley companies, it was even more so for Netflix. The company is struggling to retain its new subscribers, and like other streaming platforms, it has had to resolve to increase its prices. Although it now offers a new Netflix Essentials offer with ads, the reality is that Netflix has lost millions of subscribers over the past three years.

Source: Deadline

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