Amazon wants to restore its image in France with a project with a barely cliché name

Amazon is steeped in controversy. Environmentalists and French activists pell-mell blame the Seattle giant for destroying the environment, destroying small businesses, and undermining labor rights. Its leaders have devised a reconquest plan called Ratatouille.

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A Bloomberg article claims that Amazon has a bad reputation in France, which translates into disappointing sales. Since its establishment on our soil, the company has nevertheless created no less than 20,000 jobs and invested nearly 16 billion €. In view of all the boxes with the Amazon logo that we see on a daily basis, it is therefore difficult to believe that the French activity of the e-commerce giant is not really profitable.

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And yet, the French buy fewer products on Amazon than the Germans or the English. In order to drive profits upwards in France, the leaders have drawn up a communication plan aimed at returning to the favor of French customers. The company will try to restore its image through a large-scale communication campaign. Its codename would be Project Ratatouille.

Amazon wants to Frenchify its image with the Ratatouille project

This ambitious project will result in a dozen initiatives on the national territory. The all-out communication will praise the qualities of the company. Among other key figures that we will present from these studies, it should be noted that 8 out of 10 employees would recommend working for Amazon. In addition, 84% of physical stores located near a logistics platform of the American giant would not feel any negative effect on their business.

According to Amazon, it will be impossible to conquer the French without “Frenchifying” the company. No less than three years will therefore have been necessary to set up the Ratatouille project. He began by highlighting “Made in France” products on the site, and more recently, the company was present at the Paris agricultural show in February 2023. In addition, a survey shows that the acquisition of Ligue 1 broadcasting rights on Amazon Prime has helped improve the giant’s image with the French. It’s quite ironic, since the retransmission of football was not envisaged in the Ratatouille Project.

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