Amber Heard has reached an agreement to end her legal fight with Johnny Depp

Towards an epilogue to the legal saga between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. The actress announced Monday, December 19 on social networks having reached an agreement to end the appeal procedure of the defamation lawsuit which opposed her to her former husband in the United States.

“After a long reflection I have made the difficult decision to conclude an agreement”said the star on Instagram, after being sentenced at first instance to pay ten million dollars to her ex-husband, who for his part had to pay him two million. “I made this decision after losing faith in the American legal system, where my public testimony served as entertainment and gave social media food for thought”added the 36-year-old actress, who had initially appealed.

Highly publicized trial

The legal battle between the former spouses stems from a forum published by the washington post in 2018in which Amber Heard described herself as “a public figure representing domestic violence”, without naming her ex-husband. Assuring that this text had destroyed his reputation and his career, Johnny Depp, 59, sued his ex-wife for defamation to obtain $ 50 million in damages. Amber Heard had counter-attacked and demanded the double.

At the end of six weeks of debates, the jurors of the court of Fairfax, in the suburbs of Washington, had concluded that the ex-spouses had defamed each other, but had estimated that the damages suffered by Johnny Depp were greater.

The trial, which was highly publicized and broadcast live on television, was followed by millions of viewers around the world and provoked an outburst of messages hostile to the actress on social networks.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers With the Johnny Depp lawsuit against Amber Heard, the “tabloidization” of TikTok

The World with AFP

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