AMD Ryzen 7000: four references for a launch in September?


Hardware and Gaming Specialist

June 19, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.


AMD Ryzen 7000 © AMD


It could then be that the new generation of processors AMD is pulling the rug out from under Intel’s Raptor Lake.

While the Ryzen 5000 will soon blow out their second candle, there is no doubt that AMD will release their replacements before the end of 2022. The question that arises is of course when exactly.

A release in mid-September?

There is obviously no question of confirmation from AMD, which is keeping the secret for the moment around the launch date of its new generation – Zen 4 – of processors.

AMD Ryzen 7000 on 09/15 © Videocardz

© Videocardz

On the occasion of an event organized for distributors in China, however, a slide suggested that the release of the Ryzen 7000 could take place as early as mid-September, the 15th to be completely exact.

A photo posted by Videocardz confirms this information even if it remains to be proven that it is indeed the launch. Some venture to imagine a release of the Radeon 7000s a few weeks later – at the end of October / mid-November – as was the case in 2020.

Four references at launch

In parallel with this hypothetical date, it seems that AMD has decided to start on a launch quite similar to that of the Ryzen 5000 generation with, first, four references.

Accustomed to hardware leaks, Greymon55 specifies that AMD intends to distribute the Ryzen 7600X, 7800X, 7900X and 7950X first. The latter will of course be the figurehead of this launch with its 16 cores / 32 threads and its TDP of 170 Watts.

It would be the first Ryzen processor to reach such a TDP. Greymon55 had also mentioned a price of 5,999 yuan (about 850 euros) for this processor, but he has since removed the tweet in question.

Rather than this price, we will therefore retain the four launch references which leave a “forgotten”, as for the Vermeer generation: at the time, AMD had abandoned the 5700X, which arrived a year and a half after the release of its big brothers. Will it be the same for the 7700X?

Source : Videocardz #1, #2

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