Amel Bent: the stage in her singing career that moved her daughters to tears: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

From the top of her 35 years, Amel Bent can boast of a great career. Thursday January 21, 2021, the former candidate of season 2 of New star was invited on the set of C to You, broadcast on France 5 and presented by Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine. On this occasion, the singer, who appeared metamorphosed after the first confinement, returned to a key stage in her artistic career, namely, the day she was crowned Revelation of the Year at the 2006 Victoires de la Musique.

This reward always moves her to tears, when she sees the images – just like her daughters, by the way. This is what she confided to our colleagues. "I had the chance to see the pictures again not too long ago with my children. I cried with them, they cried too ", she said before continuing: "They didn't understand why I was crying. I explained to them that we could also cry with happiness, and that that day was really a day of joy, for me, for the whole family, for 'Mamie Couscous', their grandmother. "

This "cocoon" that she created with her husband

Amel Bent is very close to her daughters. When she became a mother, the interpreter of My philosophy took a five-year break, to devote herself to the education of her children, Sofia (born in 2016) and Hana (born in 2017). Monday, June 3, 2019, she had engaged in this crossing of the desert, which allowed her to come back better. "When I knew that I was going to give birth and even before, when I met my other half and that I knew that I was going to make my life with him and that we were going to start a home, my life as a singer was far away ", she said in an interview with Terrafemina. And to continue: "I didn't want to go through that between two concerts or between two promos. I wanted to live it thoroughly with love and this cocoon creation. I live the profession of singer passionately and that will not have allowed me to live anything else. It left no room for this family life and this married life. And finally, the hardest part was getting out of this thing that we created together. "

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