Amélie Oudéa-Castéra “has the confidence” of the executive, assures a minister

Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, faced with a series of controversies since she inherited National Education, “has the confidence of the President of the Republic, of the Prime Minister”, assured Sunday Marie Lebec, Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with the parliament. According to several sources within the executive, the retention in her post of the Minister of National Education, Youth, Sports and the Olympic Games raises questions at the highest level of the State while new appointments to complete the government must take place Monday or Tuesday.

Amélie Oudéa-Castéra “has carried out the preparation for the Olympic Games with great success. So I believe that the important thing today is to move forward and respond to what the teachers are asking us” and this “at- beyond the question of the person”, affirmed on France 3 Marie Lebec who, at 33, is the youngest minister in the new government.

In the meantime, the mobilization of teachers does not weaken. The Snes-FSU, CGT and SUD unions called for a new strike in National Education on Tuesday to defend salaries and oppose educational policy at the college. On Thursday, several thousand teachers and education staff demonstrated in Paris and in major cities in France to raise awareness about their working conditions, their salaries but also to defend public schools after the controversial declarations of Amélie Oudéa- Castéra on the subject.

Manuel Bompard believes that the resignation of the minister “seems to be obvious”

Another hard blow for the minister, one of the highest executives of National Education, the rector of Paris, resigned on Friday, after the ministry’s choice of a “moratorium” on part of its reform of prep classes, intended to introduce more social diversity. Oppositions remain strong against the minister.

The coordinator of La France insoumise, Manuel Bompard, said on BFMTV on Sunday that his resignation “seems to be obvious”. Amélie Oudéa-Castéra expresses “the contempt of the class that is in power today for public schools” and “is incapable of responding to the difficulties that national education is facing”.

For the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, “the school needs a full-time minister to “symbolically and financially rehabilitate the profession of teacher”. “We must restore public authority to the school,” he said. he added on France 3. The government is “intended to be expanded, probably in the coming days”, according to Marie Lebec.

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