American researchers warn – These omicron symptoms should not be underestimated


In contrast to most mutations, the omicron variant is characterized by symptoms that are atypical for corona. This is shown by initial studies from Great Britain and the USA.

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As the American health authority writes, symptoms have been observed in Omikron patients that had not occurred with previous mutations.

AFP / Alberto Pizzoli

Previously, breathlessness, coughing and the loss of the sense of taste and smell were the main symptoms of a corona infection.

Previously, breathlessness, coughing and the loss of the sense of taste and smell were the main symptoms of a corona infection.

REUTERS / Henry Nicholls

Doctors are now observing signs of the virus that only occur with the Omicron variant.

Doctors are now observing signs of the virus that only occur with the Omicron variant.

AFP / Alain Jocard

  • After the omicron variant was first discovered in November, it quickly developed into the dominant corona mutation.

  • While a corona infection was previously usually noticeable through loss of taste and increased temperature, Omikron seems to have other symptoms.

  • For example, doctors and researchers observe skin irritation, tiredness and pale gray lips.

In most countries around the world, the omicron mutation is slowly but surely taking the lead among new infections. While many questions remain unanswered with regard to the risk posed by the variant and its transferability, Omikron patients developed symptoms that have not yet been observed in connection with the coronavirus.

Gray lips as a warning sign

The symptoms of an omicron infection, the course of which is described by doctors and patients as “mild”, are similar to those of ordinary flu, as the English “Mirror” writes. Occasionally, pale gray lips, skin and nail beds have also been observed in Omikron patients.

These symptoms are an indication of a low oxygen level in the blood, as the American health authority writes. In this case, the authority advises affected persons to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Fatigue and night sweats

Breathing problems, persistent pain and persistent fatigue are also symptoms of an omicron infection, as are skin rashes or night sweats. According to Angelique Coetzee, who was the first doctor to warn of the new variant, Omikron patients can also experience unusually severe headaches and pain in their limbs.

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