amounts increased in 2022, beneficiaries will receive at least 16 euros more per month

Paid by the Family Allowance Fund (CAF), the active solidarity income (RSA) will be increased from April 1, 2022. It will increase by at least 16 euros per month.

Towards nearly two million French people through the Family Allowance Funds (CAF) in each department, the active solidarity income (RSA) will be increased from 1 April. According to Family Folderthis revaluation should result in an increase of 1.8%, i.e. at least 16euros extra per month.

This significant increase aims to ensure a minimum income for people without resources despite the persistent inflation that has been at work in the country for several months. In practice, Dossier familial specifies that a person eligible for RSA and living alone in France (excluding Mayotte) will receive 572.52 euros of RSA per month compared to 559.74 euros in 2021. That is an increase of 15.78 euros per month and 189.36 euros the year.

APL, alloc’, RSA… Discover all the social aid to which you are entitled

An increase of 230.21 euros

A beneficiary living alone with a dependent will receive 863.28 euros. He will receive 1035.94 euros if he has two dependents and 1266.15 euros if he has three. An increase of 230.21 euros will then be applied for each additional dependent.

A similar increase to that received by couples, who will receive 1035.94 euros, 1208.58 euros or 1438.61 euros depending on whether they have one, two or three dependents.

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The amount deducted changes

According to Dossier Familial, the amounts of the housing package to be deducted from the RSA in the event of housing assistance or the absence of a charge to be paid on said housing also change: 69.06 euros for one person, 138.12 euros for two people or 170.93 euros for three or more people in the household. Our colleagues remind you that simulators are available to test your eligibility for RSA.

Presidential: RSA, APL, AAH … Who wants to plan or boost social assistance?

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