Amputated of 4 limbs following a toxic shock, she fights against health insurance

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Following a toxic shock caused by a tampon, a woman had to have her feet and hands amputated. If she was able to benefit from transplants and find her limbs, she is fighting against the Health Insurance, which refuses to reimburse her the costs.

In recent years, the word has been released around the toxic shock. Caused by bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus or group A streptococcus, this infection usually occurs during menstruation when using vaginal devices (tampons, menstrual cups) in women who are carriers of the bacteria in question. If he is more and more in the center of the news, it is because the symptoms and risks of this syndrome can be particularly severe. Laura Nataf, a young woman now 35, paid the price in 2007.

While doing an internship in Barcelona, ​​Spain, Laura was taken from a dull fatigue and of migraineto the point of not being able to eat or get up, reports The Parisian. Urgently repatriated to France, she was plunged into an artificial coma. The medical team finds that she is victim of a toxic shock due to a tampon. She must be both hands and both feet amputated. When she wakes up, after realizing in amazement that she no longer has any of her four limbs, she decides to register on the list of transplants. “I was on the waiting list for three years, but nothing was happening until this sentence in 2016: for lack of donors, I was removed from the lists. In reality, I never had an explanation!she remembers.

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“I find it disgusting”

The young woman then went to the United States in the hope of being transplanted. In Philadelphia, doctors agree to operate on him. She regained her forearms and feet in 2016, but Health insurance refuses to reimburse the exorbitant cost of the intervention, which amounts to nearly one million euros. In 2021, Laura wins her case in court: Health Insurance must reimburse her 700,000 euros, or two thirds of the costs. Recently, the Paris Court of Appeal nevertheless decided to reverse this decision. The victim will ultimately have to pay out of pocket the 990,000 euros that the Philadelphia hospital advanced at the time and is claiming today. I find that disgusting! Behind the big health insurance machine, there was no humanity, justice has just shown that it has none eithershe annoys with the Parisian.


Curious and passionate about pop culture, Joséphine is a fan of music, series and even Instagram of all kinds. If she loves to follow people news and the latest …

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