“Amri is really just a snitch”, the candidate’s new betrayal scandalizes fans

This May 21, the adventurers of Koh Lanta 2024 fought to qualify for the final. But during the last council, Amri once again betrayed Sébastien and incurred the wrath of the Internet.

The Koh Lanta 2024 candidates have been competing tirelessly for weeks to try to win the adventure. Tonight there were six of them fighting to advance to this season’s final and try their luck in the orienteering race. Throughout the episode, Julie, Meissa, Léa, Pauline, Sébastien and Amri took up the challenges launched by Denis Brogniart to qualify.

Despite everything, Koh Lanta fans know that in the end, it is the strategy that has the last word. Something that we could see again this evening during the last elimination council. Indeed, Amri left viewers speechless by showing his true colors once again.

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Amri betrays Sébastien again

During this episode of Koh Lanta, Amri tried to renew the ties that united him with Sébastien as ex-yellows. We remember that the adventurer had allied himself with the red clan and had voted against his own during a council. This resulted in the elimination of Sebastien and Aurélien. A major betrayal that Sébastien seemed to want to put behind him. And the least we can say is that he quickly regretted it.

If Amri kept repeating that he would not vote against Sébastien again, he turned around as soon as he felt in danger. Convinced that the choice of the rest of the adventurers would be between him and the carpenter, he preferred to vote against his former sidekick. Shocked, the candidate eliminated at the gates of the orienteering race did not mince his words in front of the camera. “He’s the worst Jafar“, did he declare.

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Internet users in shock

While Sébastien has still not digested Amri’s betrayal following the adventure, Internet users were just as shocked in front of this episode of Koh Lanta. Many spoke on X to show how scandalized they were by the adventurer’s choices. “You’re right Sebastien, get angry! Amri is really just a scale and a spinner”, “Amri’s values ​​lol are betrayal”, we could read on the social network.

The least we can say is that the continuation of Koh Lanta is likely to be very hectic. Will the adventurers turn against Amri who seems to have easy betrayal? To be continued!


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