an actor of the cult series indicted for complicity in murder


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An actor from the series “NCIS: Los Angeles” has just been indicted for complicity in murder. He had been arrested in the middle of filming last December, after the suspicious deaths of two young women.

This is a case that risks tarnishing the reputation of the series NCIS: Los Angeles. As revealed by Los Angeles Timeson July 1, an actor of the show has been indicted for complicity in murder. It is Brandt Osborn, 42, a recurring extra in the police soap opera. He is indeed suspected of having been the accomplice of David Pearce40, a director who is also his roommate, himself accused of being the author of murder of two young women, Christy Giles, model and Instagram star, and her friend Hilda Marcela Cabrale. They were deposited unconscious at the hospital in November 2021. The first was already deadand the other died after eleven days of coma.

The autopsy revealed that the women were died of an overdose and the track of the homicide was quickly favored by the investigators. A month later, in December, three men, including Brandt Osborn and David Pearce, were arrested as part of the investigation. The actor of NCIS: Los Angeles was eventually released, while his alleged accomplice remained behind bars on other charges. But the case took a new turn at the end of this month of June, according to our colleagues. David Pearce is today indicted for the murder of Christy Giles and Hilda Marcela Cabrale, while Brandt Osborn is indicted for complicity. A judge issued an arrest warrant against him.

David Pearce and Brandt Osborn deny the facts

The two men, for their part, deny the facts with which they are accused. According to them, they simply fell on the two young women before taking them to the hospital. However, according to the investigators, David Pearce and Brandt Osborn would have been seen in the company of the two women the hours before their death, making them use what looks like cocaine. Christy Giles and Hilda Marcela Cabrale then allegedly sued the evening in the apartment of the two menbefore arriving unconscious at the hospital.

Curious and passionate about pop culture, Joséphine is a fan of music, series and even Instagram of all kinds. If she loves to follow people news and the latest …

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