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Lately, Sony has found itself in a bit of a bind when it comes to the quality of its Marvel films. But this announcement could radically change the situation!

Thomas Haden Church, who played Sandman in Spider-Man 3 released in 2007, has in any case shared some juicy information for early fans. What to save the cinematic SpiderVerse? Let’s see the grains of sand he has sown.

Be careful, Spider-Man is coming back ! »

With his first film released in 2002 and retracing the adventures of the iconic Spider-Man, Sam Raimi initiated a new golden age for superhero films. The shy but endearing Peter Parker played by Tobey Maguire has built a huge community of fans. After Spider-Man 3 in 2007, it seemed that it was over for the actor. Sony, holder of the license rights, has in any case since moved on. The story of New York’s friendly neighbor has been rebooted twice. Respectively starring Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland.

On this subject, the return of Tobey Maguire’s version in Spider-Man: Homecoming made fans very happy. Some may have even secretly hoped for a return of the actor in a dedicated film for a Spider-Man 4. If we are to believe Thomas Haden Church in the third opus, it could well be that this wish comes true! “ There have been rumors that they might ask me to reprise my role as Sandman. […] I think Sam Raimi is going to make another movie with Tobey in the lead role. If it happens, that would be fantastic, even if I’m getting a little old “.

Tobey Maguire finally really back in his Spider-Man costume soon? © Sony Pictures

Sony really needs a cinema success

Whether or not we liked Sam Raimi’s interpretation of the Weaver, Sony Pictures clearly needs a box office hit. For some time now, the Marvel films produced by him have been one after the other real failures. The films Venom, Morbius and Madame Web completely flopped, both with critics and the public. Hopefully the Kraven movie won’t follow the same path.

The Japanese giant could therefore try to redeem itself by bringing back an actor particularly popular with fans in order to densify its cinematic SpiderVerse. We have seen this with the excellent animated films featuring Miles Morales: the possibilities in the field are endless. It is therefore up to Sony to select those which will really be successful. And who better than Sam Raimi to weave such a tour de force?

spider-man madame web
News that could help fans forget Madame Web? © Sony Pictures

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