an announcement that will greatly please fans

The director of The Witcher 4 has made a new revelation about the new opus long awaited by fans. And that should reassure most of them.

In recent years, CD Projekt Red has shown all its talent in getting Cyberpunk 2077 back on its feet. After a chaotic launch, the game is now retyped, refined, and is praised by as many people as possible. For their part, fans of The Witcher franchise are a little left wanting more. Indeed, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen a new opus. We are particularly waiting for the 4 which has recently shown signs of life. And what has been announced will surely reassure some players.

Geralt in The Witcher 4?

Geralt of Rivia is the cornerstone of the saga. The Witcher has been there from the beginning, and even in the Netflix series, he is the main character. It’s hard to separate him from the universe, and that’s normal as he’s such an iconic figurine. However, some people still wondered if he was really going to be in The Witcher 4. In an interview for Lega Nerd, Sebastian Kalemb, the director of the game, decided to provide the beginnings of an answer to this question which burns the lips of the community:

The Witcher 4 won’t be released for a few years and a lot of time will have passed since the previous one, so we can’t just target the audience already fond of the saga. We also need to build a new community. I think it’s safe to say that the game will be a great entry point for many players, not forgetting long-time fans who still want to follow Geralt’s adventures.

Unsurprisingly, the new trilogy initiated by The Witcher 4 will be a continuation of Geralt’s story. He won’t have the main role, but he should make an appearance. This should once again revive speculation around an episode where Ciri would be the main character. However, we will have to wait a little longer to be sure.

A sequel that promises to be monumental

Concretely, what do we know about The Witcher 4? Well, not much. CD Projekt Red didn’t give us tons of juicy information to sink our teeth into. That said, Sebastien Kalemba guaranteed us that we were going to be dealing with an RPG that would break the boundaries of the genre. The studio would even like to surpass the phenomenon created by the third game in the series. It’s a massive undertaking, but it has the merit of making your mouth water.

Our priority is always to try to break down boundaries. We want to go beyond. We want to try to do something new compared to current RPGs, especially since we are constantly working with this genre. We attract an audience who likes this type of game. I can’t say too much, as you might guess, but the idea is to build something that surpasses The Witcher 3by telling a more intense story and also creating more intense gameplay.

Apart from the successor to Wild Hunt, two other projects are expected around the corner. First we have Project Sirius, the development of which has suffered numerous setbacks, and which would be an open world. There is also the remake of the first episode which is in the works. We can’t really go into detail, because we know almost nothing about these games. Fans are yearning for a trailer, which is unlikely to be shown at the end of the year. Maybe at the Game Awards 2023? To be continued.

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