An electric Renault R5 at 100€/month? The government is considering

Renault’s future R5 is one of the hypotheses presented by Clément Beaune, when he was asked about the future social leasing at €100/month.

While Elisabeth Borne had cast some doubt on social leasing, Clément Beaune gave a clearer outline on what is being developed by the government. Interviewed by France Info on May 25, the Minister of Transport clarified that this social leasing would aim to help a minimum of 100,000 low-income households to switch to electric cars by the end of the five-year term.

Renault Zoé or future Renault 5 were cited as an example by Clément Beaune (but none of Stellantis, how strange!). Electric cars eligible for social leasing at €100/month will necessarily be French or European. The Dacia Spring and other affordable Chinese models will not be accessible through this. The list will evolve over time according to the new electric models that will appear at necessarily affordable prices.

Confirmation of the timetable for a concrete start in 2024

Registration should be in place by November so that the first beneficiaries of social leasing can physically collect their electric cars in 2024.

The state plans to deploy a simple online platform to make it as easy as possible to book these offers. Initially, social leasing should only concern a few thousand cars, because the supply of electric vehicles and the production concerned (French and European) must be able to meet demand. The government plans a gradual increase in this aid over the next few years to reach the target of 100,000 households concerned.

Minimal intake

In classic leasing formulas (LOA/LLD), a substantial contribution generally makes it possible to lower the monthly payments at more attractive rates. The government’s wish is to reduce this contribution as much as possible, while offering rent at a maximum of €100/month, so that the amount of the contribution is not an obstacle to benefiting from the system.

Renault Zoé in charge // Source: David Nogueira for Numerama

Negotiations with financial partners are still under discussion on this element. The financial partners and/or leasing services will receive public money to ensure that this offer is accessible to as many people as possible. This system should enable households that currently do not have access to the purchase or rental of an electric car to no longer be excluded from the energy transition.

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