An exceptional energy check of 100,200 euros from November for those who heat with oil

Aid of between 100 and 200 euros depending on income will be triggered from November 8 for people heating with fuel oil, who have not been able to benefit from the shield put in place for other sources of energy, announced this Saturday. October 8 the government.

Parliament voted, this summer, an envelope of 230 million euros to support the households concerned, which could not benefit from the shield put in place for other sources of energy, explains in an interview West France Saturday the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts Gabriel Attal.

For the payment of all types of energy bills if the fuel oil has already been filled

A each fuel oil can be requested, from November 8, on the site where a simulator will show who is eligible, he explains. If the households concerned have already filled up their fuel tank, the check which is valid for one year can be used to pay their electricity bills, specifies the minister.

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In a press release from Bercy, it is even specified that this check can be used to pay all types of energy bills (gas, electricity, fuel oil, wood pellets, etc.) if households have already done so. full of fuel. According to the government, 1.4million households could benefit from this check of the 2.8 million who heat with oil.

For who? How much?

The amount of the fuel oil check will depend on household income (2020 income is taken into account for the calculation) and the number of people in the household, explains Bercy in its press release. The minister gives 3 examples:

  • 200 euros for a single person at minimum wage with at least one child
  • 100 euros for a single person at minimum wage without children
  • 100euros for a single woman with 2 children earning around 3000euros net per month

A simulator will be posted shortly on the site so that households can check their eligibility, promises Bercy.

Three distinct energy checks

The Minister of the Economy recalls that this fuel oil aid will come in addition to the usual energy check, sent in the spring to around 6million householdsand the exceptional end-of-year energy check that will be sent to 40% of households (12million households), to deal with the 15% rise in gas and electricity prices expected in 2023.

Who will receive the exceptional energy check of at least 100 euros by the end of the year?

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