an increase in APL is planned for this date, are you one of the 5.6 million beneficiaries concerned?

October 1, 2024 marks an important date for millions of French people. A new increase in APL, or personalized housing assistance, will come into effect, affecting a significant number of beneficiaries. Are you affected by this increase which could well reduce your housing costs?

While the start of the school year in September 2024 looks set to be difficult for many households, particularly students looking for a accommodationreal estate prices continue to soar. The tension on the rental market is palpable in large cities, making access to housing increasingly difficult. expensiveIn this tense economic context, housing assistance from the CAF (Family Allowance Fund) is more than ever an essential support for millions of households.

This valuable assistance, particularly through the APLthe Family Housing Allowance (ALF) and the Social Housing Allowance (ALS), allows millions of tenants to reduce their expenses monthly. But faced with galloping inflation and the rent increasea revaluation of these aids has become essential. The good news? This revaluation is coming soon!

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Revaluation of APL on October 1, 2024: Who is affected?

The Family Allowance Fund has confirmed that from October 1, 2024, a increase of 3.26% will be applied to APL. This increase results from the evolution of the rental reference index (IRL) which reflects the evolution of the rental market. This index recorded a significant increase in the second quarter of 2024, which directly impacts the amount of housing assistance.

But then, who is concerned by this revaluation? According to the CAF, 5.6 million people will see their aid increase from this date. Among them are:

  • 2.6 million APL beneficiaries;
  • 2.1 million people affected by ALS;
  • 900,000 ALF beneficiaries.

This increase should be effective for all beneficiaries without any action being necessary. Indeed, the increase will be applied automatically from October, as specified in a CAF activity report.

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How to benefit from this revaluation of APL?

If you are already CAF beneficiarythe good news is that you will not have to complete any formalities to benefit from this increase. The increase will be applied automatically from your payment of October. It is however important to emphasize that this revaluation remains, for the moment, a draft order awaiting an official decree. In practice, this means that if the government validates the measure as planned, your APL will increase from the first week of October 2024, a significant boost for the most budgets modestIn the meantime, it is advisable to monitor your notifications from the CAF, which should officially inform you of this revaluation in the coming days.

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For those who do not yet benefit from housing assistance but think they are eligible, it is still possible to apply online on the CAF website. The calculation of rights is based on several criteria, including the financial situation and the composition of your household, thus offering valuable support to those who need it to cope with the increase in rental prices. Do not hesitate to check if you are affected by this revaluation and to take stock of your housing benefits.

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