“An individual who annoyed me”: Paul El-Kharrat destroys Jean-Luc Reichmann

In the columns of Télé Star, Paul El-Kharrat violently attacked Jean-Luc Reichmann. For the young man, the Twelve strokes of noon is “a kind of societal hypocrisy”.

Jean-Luc Reichmann must have had ringing ears… This Friday, October 21, in an interview to be published in TV Star, Paul El-Kharrat destroyed the host of the Twelve noon shots. The former midday master of the TF1 show did not mince words when our colleagues asked him if he had remained friends with Jean-Luc Reichmann. “Why would I be friends with Jean-Luc Reichmann? We haven’t spoken to each other for almost a year for all sorts of reasons that I won’t reveal”first replied Paul El-Kharrat, who claims to have “no direct or privileged contact with this man”. Having become a member of the Big Heads since his elimination from TF1, he has a better relationship with Laurent Ruquier.

“I am regularly at Les Grosses Têtes and I have also taken part in the holidays organized with the members. All of this has enabled me to have closer ties with Laurent Ruquier that I never had with Jean-Luc Reichmann, with whom we we never left the animator-student relationship”, again launched the young man, who therefore does not handle the language of wood at all. And to tackle the Douze coups de midi, a show in which he stayed for no less than 153 days, in 2019. According to him, this daily game is nothing but a “pathetic pseudo-family, a semblance of good relations between individuals”. “A kind of societal hypocrisy”added Paul El-Kharrat in the columns of Télé Star.

Jean-Luc Reichmann, “a sacred person”

Angry with Jean-Luc Reichmann and annoyed by the Twelve noon shots, Paul El-Kharrat therefore does not intend to appear again on the TF1 game board. “We are not on the trail of redemption, indeed. I don’t want to take another step towards an individual who annoyed me for reasons that I prefer to keep quiet. I don’t want to be attached to anyone anymore. I belong to no one”, he concluded. In the pages already, Paul El-Kharrat was not tender with the companion of Nathalie Lecoultre. At the time, he regretted the attitude of a “very eager”, “a sacred person” : “It could come from the attitude of the other people present on the set who can annoy me. Some wanted Jean-Luc to be as good as possible even if it meant falling into ridicule, that’s what pissed me off”.

In 2020, however, in the columns of Le Parisien, the young man held a very different speech. “I saw Jean-Luc on Monday and he prefaced my book! He’s like on TV, he’s a very nice and attentive person. I was immediately at ease with him and his benevolence helped me, confided Paul El-Kharrat to our colleagues. He introduced me to artists like Jean-Louis Aubert. Thanks to the show, I also got to know Stéphane Bern, whom I admire a lot, and even Mireille Mathieu. For six months, I had an incredible experience with lots of great people. It was like a family.” It is therefore impossible to know what happened between him and Jean-Luc Reichmann so that he no longer held back his blows…

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