“An injustice”: The elimination of a new pair in Beijing Express 2024 at the gates of the semi-final does not pass at all

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M6 viewers took out their tissues at the end of the episode of Beijing Express 2024 from April 4. Ryad and Louison were eliminated facing Jessica and Patricia in the final duel, on the verge of the semi-final. Asked by Leisure TVthe pair of strangers returned to this difficult moment.

A place in the semi-final was up for grabs last night, so the candidates were under tension. A pressure that pushed Ryad to behave in a manner that was not really fair play. In the second race, he slowed down Romain and Laura, who had the red flag. Then, he scared away the cars ready to pick up Patricia and Jessica by hitchhiking by standing in front and shouting. Unsurprisingly, it was them that the Corsican colleagues chose for the final duel. Especially since they didn’t see themselves choosing their friends Flavie and Jérémy. If until now, the Marseille sports coach and the Charentais have always emerged victorious from this challenge, they lost to their opponents during the episode of April 4. A huge disappointment for the duo.

Ryad cries injustice after his elimination with Louison

I understand that I am dragging Ryad into this fall. I was afraid he would be mad at me. When I find him and he tells me that he is still proud, I am overcome by emotion“, Louison told Leisure TV. And to add that Patricia and Jessica chose them for the final duel because they were angry with them for having chosen them before. “It was a bit of the other side of the coin“, he added. And his partner continued: “I was upset because we didn’t finish last. And we had five duels, we are the pair of strangers, we deserved the semi-final as much and Flavie and Jérémy had a handicap. For me, it remains an injustice even if we get along well today with Patricia and Jessica.” And regarding his attitude with motorists to put the Corsicans in difficulty, he justified himself: “There are the pools, where everyone tries to test themselves, no one delivers their strategy yet. We are in competition and there, we had to play all our cards for the place in the semi-final. There is no violence, there are no insults. It’s about winning and destabilizing.”

Despite everything, Ryad and Louison prefer to think only of the positive. Thanks to this adventure, they became friends, even if initially everything opposed them. A complicity that touched viewers. Very quickly, they became the favorites of the competition. On X, the disappointment was therefore also great for Internet users. “Come on, it’s over, the ratings are going to be in free fall, they were the only ones to add glitter to each episode. Shieeeer…“, “It’s over for me, I’m not looking anymore. The only pair who was funny and endearing“, “For me the season of Beijing Express ended this evening. No interest in the semi and final“, “Come on, this season is over for me“, “What is this relentlessness?“, “We’re going to have a final with: One pair arrived along the way, two pairs drafted due to elimination, really well done eh” we were able to read in particular.

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