A 28-year-old prisoner was found dead on January 11 in his cell in Fresnes prison (Val-de-Marne), which led to the opening of an investigation to find the causes of death, learned Friday, January 21 the AFP with the parquet floor of Créteil.
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According to a source familiar with the matter, an autopsy was carried out but did not make it possible to determine the causes of death. Anatomopathological expertise (examination of cells and tissues, editor’s note) and additional toxicological analyzes are in progress. The inmate, who was alone in his cell, had psychiatric problems and was on medication, the source said.
No thesis is privileged or ruled out, whether it is suicide, the intervention of a third party by poisoning or accidental death, according to the first elements of the investigation. According to another source at Fresnes prison, the inmate, Theo, was to be removed from his cell to attend a court hearing that day.
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