an investigation pinpoints the British royal family

A shocking investigation by the independent British online media “Byline Times” reveals that a close friend of the English royal family allegedly sold information on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to a tabloid.

The investigation of Byline Times on the crumbling of relations between the Sussexes and the British royal family could well affect the latter. On several occasions, Meghan Markle and Harry have accused the English monarchy of leaking information on them in the tabloids, notably in the Netflix documentary dedicated to them, or even during the trial which pitted the youngest son of Charles III against Daily Mail. Claims now supported by the journalistic investigation.

In 2021, in his explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey, Prince Harry claimed that his father no longer even took his phone calls and that his food had been cut off. According to the investigation of Byline Timesthe £700,000 initially granted on a trial basis by Charles III to finance their security in America was withdrawn from the Sussexes for a very specific reason: their refusal to remove the name of a Kensington Palace aide from legal documents (the official residence of Kate Middleton and Prince William), whose partner reportedly received £4,000 from tabloid The Sun. The information thus obtained was supposed to be used for articles on “Megxit” and on Prince Archie, the eldest son of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Result : the Sandringham Agreement, signed in 2020 with the former sovereign Elizabeth II, was shattered. This agreement gave the Sussexes the opportunity to continue their activities in the service of the royal family in North America.

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Prince Harry regularly accused his family of having deals with the tabloids

According to our colleagues, the Firm would then have thought that Cutting off supplies to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry would force them to return to the UK, where they would be easier to monitor – and control. Quite the contrary: since then, the couple has given up serving the Crown and flew to California, where he still resides with his children, Archie and Lilibet, before the publication of Prince Harry’s memoirs and the signing of juicy agreements with Netflix and Spotify. The divide between the Sussexes and the royal family has only widenedand the chances of it closing are diminishing.


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she is not writing about current affairs, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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