an investigation was opened for suspicion of sexual assault


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A few days after a complaint filed against Jean-Jacques Bourdin by a former colleague, an investigation for suspicion of sexual assault was opened.

On January 14, 2022, a former journalist from BFMTV and RMC filed a complaint against Jean-Jacques Bourdin, at the 16th arrondissement police station, for attempted sexual assault. According to the young woman, now 33, the facts took place in a swimming pool of a hotel in Calvi, in 2013, during a business trip. According to her, he would have “grabbed by the neck and tried to kiss her repeatedly.” She would have struggled and managed to get out of the pool. Jean-Jacques Bourdin would have said to him: “I always get what I want.”

This Sunday, January 16, 2022, the Altice Media group, which owns RMC and BFMTV where the accused and the complainant work, announced that it was launching an internal investigation. “We are not minimizing this accusation or giving it a disproportionate dimension”, said Marc-Olivier Fogiel at Parisian.

Read also : Jean-Jacques Bourdin accused of sexual assault: uneasiness at BFMTV over his maintenance on the air

Following the Jean-Jacques Bourdin affair, the Paris prosecutor’s office opened an investigation

The investigations were entrusted to the police station of the 16th arrondissement of Paris. The Paris prosecutor’s office told AFP on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, that it had opened an investigation for sexual assault into this complaint filed by the former journalist. These facts, which would have taken place eight years ago, are possibly time-barred.

Jean-Jacques Bourdin, meanwhile, totally denies these accusations. In a statement, he said: “I know this person and I have worked with her. I admit having bathed with her in the swimming pool of this hotel. But I have never tried to kiss her by force, neither her nor anyone else. .” If the journalist is the subject of an investigation for attempted sexual assault, his position at BFMTV is, for the time being, maintained. A management decision that does not make everyone agree within the editorial staff of RMC and BFMTV.

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