an LFI deputy calls Dussopt an impostor and an assassin, an apology requested

LFI deputy Aurélien Saintoul on Monday accused Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt of being an “impostor” and a “murderer”, immediately provoking a suspension of the Assembly session and demands for an apology during already stormy debates on the retreats.

Aurlien Saintoul criticized the minister for having lied about the number of deaths at work, also accusing him of flonyism. Cries resounded and Olivier Dussopt left the hemicycle during the suspension, found AFP.

The session resumed nearly thirty minutes later with applause for the Minister.

It is unacceptable, unthinkable that we continue in this verbal escalation. We can in no way treat the minister Olivier Dussopt as an assassin in the enclosure of this hemicycle, denounced the president of the deputies Renaissance Aurore Berg, who wants an apology.

Several opposition leaders from both left and right have demanded an apology from the LFI deputy.

I want to say how shocked we are by the remarks that were made, said the president of the communist group Andr Chassaigne to applause, saying he was hurt, humiliated by such remarks.

We are talking about a very serious subject, deaths at work, seniors. The rebellious deputy should apologize for these remarks and I hope he will do so, claimed the leader of the socialist party Olivier Faure on LCP.

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It’s really unbearable, it’s permanent excess, also lamented the leader of the LR deputies Olivier Marleix, while another LFI Thomas Portes was excluded Friday for fifteen days of sessions, after a controversial tweet where he displayed himself with his tricolor scarf, his foot on a ball bearing the effigy of Olivier Dussopt.

At the start of the session, Olivier Dussopt had declared that there are 650 deaths per year at work, a relatively stable figure. Every death is one death too many.

Aurlien Saintoul challenged him later accusing him of lying, citing increasing numbers, with 150 more widowers and orphans.

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