an ultra-awaited patch is coming and will change everything

Diablo 4 will soon receive an update which should greatly please the most regular players. Yes, dear loot lovers, Blizzard will soon be tackling an issue that concerns you all.

Everyone knows it, Diablo 4 is a hack’n slash, an action-RPG where you slaughter hordes of creatures in a chain for hours. The ultimate goal is to become as powerful as possible by looting increasingly rare and powerful items and pieces of equipment. A quickly addictive and time-consuming activity that is practiced by many players. The endgame of Diablo 4 is essentially based on that anyway and it will be mandatory to go through it to face the greatest challenges offered by the game, especially since the latter is often updated and changes its balance regularly. Only here, the quest can quickly become a nightmare for the greatest hunters of Sanctuary because of a very simple problem which, obviously, has been somewhat forgotten by Blizzard: the size of the storages.

Diablo 4 will retype an essential feature for the loot

It’s a real pain to tell the truth and even more so for those who spend hours beating up monsters to drop legendary loot. Our hero’s inventory is filling up at high speed and forces us very (too?) often to stop in town to empty our pockets. The best objects are then equipped or stored in a chest which is also too ric-rac insofar as the pieces of equipment rub shoulders with other objects essential to the evolution of any hero such as gems or aspects . In no time at all, inventory and chest are therefore completely filled and we are obliged to regularly sort or simply throw away certain objects that we would have nevertheless well preserved.

A problem noted by many players and which ended up coming back to Blizzard’s ears, which assures us that it is studying the problem. Obviously, an inventory extension or additional tabs in the chests does not happen in a snap. For Blizzard, the problem would be even deeper than that and the developers want the update to be perfect and as stable as possible. In any case, this is what Joe Piepiora suggested during the last stream devoted to the game.

He claims that the studio is well aware of player feedback and that the developers have already “serious plans to improve the situation”. He also specifies that it is progressing very, very quickly and that an update is planned soon to finally increase the storage. “We are thinking about how we are going to achieve this”he specifies before concluding by saying that the team prefers “doing things right” rather than “do it hastily”.

Gotta put it all away somewhere.

A life-saving patch that won’t arrive until season 1?

So it’s on the way, although we don’t know when that will happen. We also do not know how Blizzard intends to succeed since if it takes so long, it is because we will certainly have the right to more than a simple addition of locations to store our objects in the trunk. Blizzard had already talked about several solutions regarding gems during a previous stream. In the future, these will obviously be put in a dedicated tab, like the aspects. Perhaps a similar solution will be applied to the trunk by the way.

Similarly, we will also soon be entitled to an increase in the amount of crafting ingredients that we can carry. In short, everything will be done to guarantee us long hours of farming, without headaches this time.
The inventory update will most certainly arrive at the same time as the first season. Season 1 of Diablo 4 will disembark from next July 20 with already a crazy amount of novelties in its wake. The perfect niche to integrate modifications to the storages at the same time.

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