an ultra realistic and revolutionary game, it is confirmed by Rockstar

GTA 6 is long overdue and although we have very little information about it, everyone is already impatiently waiting for it. Today, a discovery confirms that Rockstar is seeking to create a truly realistic game. A revolution to come?

GTA 6 hasn’t shown up yet, but it’s already getting a lot of talk. It’s impossible to miss the stories of what promises to be THE release of the decade, as the anticipation is so enormous. However, for the moment, we don’t know much about him, apart from some information extracted from a leak several years old. A playable Bonnie & Clyde couple, the return of Vice City and perhaps other nearby locations, a gigantic map… That’s pretty much everything and the rest is just a bunch of theories and suggestions. However, a recent discovery confirms one thing: GTA 6 really aims to become “exceptional and very realistic”.

High expectations for a game that aims for perfection

These words are not ours, but the big boss of Take-Two, the parent company. It was the CEO himself who announced, during a financial report, that Rockstar was aiming for “perfection and realism”, and that nothing would be shown until the studio succeeded in achieving its goal. Take-Two is clearly talking about a new industry standard, that’s saying something. So no, we still don’t have an image to put our hands on, but a former employee of the company published a patent used for the game, and this confirms what Strauss Zelnick said.

GTA 6 should be a small revolution in its genre. The information was discovered by a Reddit user who, after studying old leaks, traced it back to a man named Tobias Kleanthous, a former animator at Rockstar. The man notably worked on Red Dead Redemption and the recent GTA. Recently, he also shared a patent of which he is the creator. The patent in question has been filed for a while now and is currently used by Rockstar in the development of its games. The shortcut with GTA 6 is therefore quickly made and by using this technology, Rockstar confirms to us that it is aiming for this famous realism sold many times by the parent company. It’s extremely promising.

GTA 6 should be more realistic than ever, a Rockstar patent confirms it

With this patent, we learn that the studio uses a dynamic and realistic animation system, allowing the game to draw its actions and reactions from an external library depending on different factors. In other words, the game will “think” when characters, creatures and objects should move on the screen. It will then choose the right animations depending on the environment and a whole bunch of other non-detailed parameters. This means that characters and other objects should almost never have the same animations and will react intelligently.

Extract from the patent of Tobias Kleanthous

We can therefore imagine different movements with more or less subtle changes depending on the scene, and above all consistent for each situation. As long as AI is also used to determine certain physical and psychological factors such as more or less serious injuries, a state of stress or fatigue… we could be entitled to a fairly stunning and extremely realistic result. In any case, on paper, it sells a dream.

What is certain in any case is that by using such technology, Rockstar confirms to us that its GTA 6 seeks to push the limits of realism. And that will definitely please fans of the franchise. It now remains to be seen how all this will be used, what it will look like on the screen, with a controller in the hands. GTA 6 should definitely show up soon. Fans have been waiting for an announcement for October, Rockstar Month, but that now seems unlikely. We can imagine that the studio chooses the Games Awards to ensure the show, but nothing is certain. We will see !

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