an unmissable conference? Two games confirmed

Gamescom 2022 Opening Night Live is getting closer. Geoff Keighley has finally confirmed the first games that will make the show at the summer conference.

The Summer Game Fest ended on some high notes, but another unmissable event is taking place this summer: Gamescom 2022. The German show will finally be back in person, but players will be able to discover the next gaming innovations directly from their couch with the Opening Night Live. Two games have already been confirmed

The conferences are back in August. Hostilities will resume on August 12, 2022 at 9 p.m. with THQ Nordic, which should announce the big return of Alone in the Dark. The ball will end with a new edition of the Future Games Show with several key announcements. However, the eyes will be above all riveted on the opening ceremony of Gamescom 2022: the Opening Night Live. Geoff Keighley’s conference will be held on August 23 and the host is starting to reveal some games that will make the show.

More than 30 titles will be present for the occasion to animate the two hours of ceremony. And now two games have been confirmed on the program. First Sonic Frontiers. The title which was shown for a long time this summer will make an appearance again with a famous World Premiere. SEGA may therefore take advantage of Gamescom 2022 to finally reveal its release date. If the gameplay snippets were a cold shower for fans, the Japanese publisher said it didn’t want to push it away. The launch should therefore take place by the end of the year.

On the indie side, the Unknown Worlds studio will present its next baby. The creators of the excellent Subnautica are currently working on a brand new license with a science fiction atmosphere. The title will be revealed in good and due form at Gamescom 2022 with a lot of gameplay. To discover all this, go to the Opening Night Live this Tuesday, August 23 at 8 p.m.

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