Anatomy of a fall: what is the music we hear at the beginning of the film?

What is the name of the heady music that we hear at the beginning of Anatomy of a fall, the Palm, gold, in theaters since Wednesday? We give you the answer and the hidden story behind this musical choice!

Impossible not to rethink this music after seeing Justine Triet’s Anatomy of a Fall! From the first minutes of the film, a title resounds loudly throughout the chalet of the film.

A tune reminiscent of 50 Cent’s hit, PIMP, but it’s not that version. It is that of Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band, which you can hear below:

To explain this musical choice, Justine Triet says that she was looking for something quite “light“: “My intention was to find fairly joyful music. I hesitated with classical, but it made the thing too pompous, too Kubrickian, even if I love Kubrick. We had to find something quite light, which contrasts with the situation that occurs a few minutes later“, she explained in the show Le Cercle.

When Cannes Film Festival press conferenceshe also reported finding this version of PIMP, “very amazing“.”As it was a refrain that was to come back a lot, I found it very interesting. After the question was more about what would work with the scene and a matter of taste.”

We learn that the song that was originally chosen was very different! In The circle, Justine Triet has indeed revealed that the first choice was a country song: Jolene by Dolly Parton. “We had to decipher what she says in the song during the trial, so it was very hard to let go of that.”

This song composed in 1973 is notably present in the film Bliss.

Why was the song ultimately not selected? “They didn’t want to sell us the rights, and anyway, it would have been too expensive.

Anatomy of a Fall, Palme d’or 2023, is currently in theaters.

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