And 1, and 2, and 4 million… sites in “.fr”

Samir Rahmoun

December 14, 2022 at 12:10 p.m.


Computer © Burst / Pexels

© Burst / Pexels

The “.fr” domain name has just reached the historic mark of 4 million sites using it.

This figure is not anecdotal, since it represents, according to the French Association for Internet Naming in Cooperation (AFNIC), nearly 40% of French websites.

The “.fr” has nothing to envy to the “.com”

The Internet has experienced continuous expansion for the past twenty years. And to integrate newcomers and their websites, we have seen the appearance on the network of more specific domain extensions, such as “.immo” or “.bzh”. However, the old names are resisting.

This is the case of the historic “.fr”, the ccTLD (country code Top-Level Domain) assigned in national extension to France and which continues to make many happy. 4 million now! Such a number places it, still according to AFNIC, in the top 10 of ccTLDs and among those which are recording one of the strongest growths.

It must be said that he holds the dragee high in the “.com” domain name, the most popular on the Web. The “.fr” thus has 38.75% of the market share in the country and had experienced greater growth in 2021 than the “.com”, registering 776,514 new domain names that year.

The “.fr”, or the choice of proximity

And the dynamic did not stop in 2022, a year during which ” between 12,000 and 16,000 .fr domain names are created each week “.

The hexagonal domain name corresponds to a desire for security and proximity. Among the companies that preferred this extension, we find neighborhood businesses (50%), VSEs and SMEs (51%) as well as restaurants (58%). This choice is simplified by the approximately 400 “.fr” registrars present in the territory.

In addition, those who prefer the French domain name for their website participate in a solidarity action, since AFNIC, which manages this extension, donates 1.3 million euros every year to digital inclusion projects.

Source : AFNIC

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