Andor’s music: each episode has a different theme in the Star Wars series

In order to better imbue the actors with the atmosphere of the Star Wars series “Andor”, excerpts from the soundtrack were played directly by an orchestra on the film set!

Not easy to succeed John Williams. Chosen by Andor production to compose the music for the new Star Wars series, Nicholas Britell (Succession) told our colleagues at variety “his deep honor” but also his “emotion”.

To live up to his illustrious predecessor, the American composer did not hesitate to provide colossal work, to the point of qualifying his experience on Andor “like the longest and hardest job of all [sa] career”.

It must be said that the latter did not skimp on the means, since it was notably confirmed that a different musical theme was written… for each episode. That is twelve themes for this first season, while several hours of music in total have been composed for each of them. An exceptional performance, to which are added the constraints of remote recording, Covid requires.

The soundtrack also has another peculiarity. Indeed, for the first time in the history of the franchise, an orchestra went to the set of the series in Scotland to accompany the filming of certain sequences. Proof if it needed one more that Andor is definitely not a Star Wars series like the others!

Episodes of the Star Wars Andor series are available every Wednesday exclusively on Disney+.

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