André Manoukian: who is his daughter Julie, director?

André Manoukian chose the path of music, but his daughter, Julie, turned to cinema. Zoom in on the 42-year-old director.

Author-composer, pianist, radio and television columnist… André Manoukian can boast of a fine career! The one who owes his notoriety in part to the program Nouvelle Star, in which he was a juror from 2003 to 2016, seems to have transmitted his artistic fiber to his daughter, Julie Manoukian. If the latter did not set her sights on music, like her father, she still chose to make a career in cinema by becoming a director. Born in 1981 from the union of André Manoukian and his first wife, a certain Sophie, Julie has always been very discreet, making sure to stay behind the camera. In December 2020, however, on the show Je t’aime, etc. in which her father was a columnist, she had done a surprise appearance to shout loud and clear all the good she thought of her parent.

Like dad, there is the dad from early childhood who is always late for school, in a hurry but who makes up for it by spending hours telling stories when we go hiking for example. And then in adolescence it’s the one who puts the shame because he shouts when he sees you in the street or when he arrives late for the class council with the phone ringing. But it’s also the one with whom you can have your first drink“, she revealed on the set, alongside a moved André Manoukian.

André Manoukian: first support for his children

She added: “He is a dad who has ambition for his children, who has made them believe that they can do whatever they want to do in life. And at the same time it’s the one we call when the world is scary.” André Manoukian is also the father of two boys, Anton and Aris, born in 2000 and 2002 from his union with a Canadian yoga therapist named Stéphanie.

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