Android 14 will allow you to communicate anywhere in the world

The world of smartphones is changing very quickly. And what seemed impossible not long ago will become a reality with Android 14.

Android 13 is barely available and Android 14 is obviously already in development at Google. Many users are also wondering what kind of functionality could arrive in the future. Well we can have the beginning of an answer, indeed, Hiroshi Lockheimer, senior vice president of platforms at Google has just revealed some very interesting information.

To infinity and beyond for Android 14

It’s crazy to think about user experiences for phones that can connect to satellites. When we launched the G1 in 2008, it was difficult to get 3G and Wifi to work. Now we design for satellites. Cool ! We look forward to helping our partners bring it all into the next version of Android!

Yes, quite simply: Android 14 will add the possibility of connecting to satellites via your smartphone in 2023. This should allow you to be able to call anywhere in the world without any worries, even from the depths of the Sahara desert or the jungle. Amazonian. We do not stop progress.

Satellite telephony is not something new and by the end of the 80s it was a working technology. But for the moment this was only available via specific terminals and with often overpriced subscriptions. The big change that could occur is therefore the accessibility to this type of communication via a smartphone, with why not the addition of an emergency call if you are in a situation of distress without any conventional network.

thatdo you expect as new for Android 14?

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