Android 15: here are 3 practical options that will secure your smartphone

Mérouan Goumiri

May 18, 2024 at 2:07 p.m.


Android 15 will significantly emphasize security © Shutterstock

Android 15 will significantly emphasize security © Shutterstock

Android 15 arrives with a set of enhanced security features to protect your personal data. Among these new features, we find private space, theft detection lock and better protection against fraudulent applications.

On the occasion of Google I/O 2024, the Mountain View giant took the opportunity to present some of the new features expected in Android 15, unveiling, at the same time, the list of smartphones compatible with the second beta version of the operating system. While waiting for the official launch of Android 15 at the end of the year, discover the three main new features concocted by Google in terms of security. Believe us, these are likely to interest you!

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Android 15 will protect your smartphone from theft, even if it hasn’t happened yet

With Android 15, Google is keen to improve the security of its ecosystem against thieves thanks to theft detection lock. Concretely, this feature will use AI to detect if a person snatches your phone from your hands and tries to run away. Therefore, if sudden movement is detected, the phone will automatically (and immediately) lock to keep your information out of reach.

The American firm has not stopped there with its anti-theft functionality. In fact, it has developed various protections aimed at securing your data before, during and after a theft. For example, if a thief manages to steal your device, certain signals will cause your smartphone to lock automatically (disconnecting the device for long periods of time, excessively failed authentication attempts, etc.).

The detection and protection features of Android 15 in the event of theft promise to be very sophisticated © Google

The detection and protection features of Android 15 in the event of theft promise to be very sophisticated © Google

Google also introduced a handy improvement to its remote lock feature in Android 15. Now, users who don’t remember their password will be able to choose to lock their device using a simple phone number and a security test.

Private space: a digital safe to protect you from prying eyes

Android 15’s Private Space will offer a way to protect your sensitive apps and personal data by creating a separate space on your phone. Requiring additional authentication, this space will act as a digital vault where you can store applications that you do not want others to have access to. “ You can, for example, hide health or banking applications in your private space to keep your personal information only in your eyes. “, explains Google.

The introduction of this private space should make some people happy © GoogleThe introduction of this private space should make some people happy © Google

The introduction of this private space should make some people happy © Google

Clearly, you can choose to hide your banking, health or messaging applications to preserve the confidentiality of your information. The private space will benefit from enhanced protection thanks to its direct integration with the operating system, isolating its data and notifications from the rest of your phone.

For added security, you can set up a separate lock for the private area using a password, fingerprint, or facial recognition, and even hide its existence completely if you desire it.

Better protection against fraudulent applications

With the arrival of Android 15, Google Play Protect, the security system integrated into the operating system, will soon have a new functionality for detecting fraudulent applications in real time. The latter will use embedded AI to analyze the behavior of applications and identify those that present a risk of fraud or phishing.

Additionally, please note that if Google Play Protect detects malicious activity, the application will be sent to Google for in-depth analysis. If harmful activity is confirmed, users will be alerted and the application will be disabled. This entire process should logically take place without collecting the user’s personal data.

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If Google wants to stick to its usual schedule, the stable and final version of Android 15 should be deployed by the end of summer 2024. As a reminder, the previous version of the OS had been published a little later than usual, more precisely at the beginning of October. Without much surprise, owners of Pixel smartphones should logically be the first to be able to enjoy the new features of Android 15.

Source : Google

Mérouan Goumiri

Mérouan Goumiri

A fan of series, cinema and new technologies, it was my penchant for video games that got the better of me. Getting lost between Libertalia, the seas of Sea of ​​Thieves and Kaer Morhen, such is...

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A fan of series, cinema and new technologies, it was my penchant for video games that got the better of me. Getting lost between Libertalia, the seas of Sea of ​​Thieves and Kaer Morhen, such is the life I decided to lead between writing two articles.

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