Android apps will finally be able to launch automatically after installation from the Play Store


June 15, 2024 at 5:07 p.m.


The Play Store adds a new feature to app downloads © tomeqs / Shutterstock

The Play Store adds a new feature to app downloads © tomeqs / Shutterstock

No more extra clicks after installing a new app! Google is preparing a feature that would automatically launch apps right after downloading them from the Play Store. A boon for those who often forget to open their new apps.

The process of installing a new app on your Android smartphone could soon be simplified. According to analyzes of the code of the latest version of the Play Store, Google is indeed working on an option called “Automatic opening of the app”. As its name suggests, it would allow you to directly launch a freshly downloaded app without having to take the additional step of opening it manually from the launcher.

This new feature should make users who have the unfortunate tendency to forget to discover their new apps after having recovered them happy. It remains to be seen when exactly this “zero click” feature will appear.

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March 27, 2024 at 8:50 p.m.

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A default feature, but which can be deactivated

This future “Automatic opening of the app” option would be activated by default as soon as it is deployed by Google. But rest assured, users would still be able to deactivate it as they wish. A simple toggle button in the Play Store settings should enable or disable this systematic opening at the time of installation. A very pleasant opt-in for those who don’t like their hand being forced.

Spotted by tweeter AssembleDebug, this little bonus will automate your downloads from the Google app store.

When the option is activated, the downloaded app will launch itself, accompanied by a banner notification at the top of the screen to warn you. A sound signal or vibration could also be triggered depending on your settings, but can also be deactivated. This ephemeral notification should last 5 seconds.

Options in the Google Play Store useful for the forgetful © BigTunaOnline / Shutterstock

Options in the Google Play Store useful for the forgetful © BigTunaOnline / Shutterstock

A reminder of the existence of your unused apps

Alongside this functionality of automatically opening apps at the time of downloading, Google is also working on a related add-on. A notification system would remind you of newly installed apps that have remained completely unused for 24 hours.

This mechanism would remind you of the existence of these new features that you may have downloaded on a whim before forgetting them completely later. This is a useful precaution for the most forgetful among us, to prevent them from missing out on potentially interesting apps after having retrieved them.

And conversely, if you downloaded an application and subsequently forgot it without opening it to visit it, let alone use it, then it will probably never be useful to you. In this case, this additional reminder option will allow you to clean up those useless apps downloaded on a whim or because you saw them advertised on social networks. We had to think about it, about this future reminder.

This little extra comes after the huge and very useful new feature from Google, which finally allows the downloading of several applications simultaneously. The Store seems to be stepping up its game and playing tough against the competition.

Google Play StoreGoogle Play Store


Google Play Store

  • More than 2.5 million references available
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Secure downloads and payments

The Google Play Store offers more than 2.5 million securely downloadable references. It is the world’s largest digital product and Android app store. The Google Play Store is available as an app, but also as an Internet portal. It allows you to download apps, books, music, films and series. It covers a wide range of categories, which allows it to respond, in a fun and intuitive way, to the majority of requests from Android users.

The Google Play Store offers more than 2.5 million securely downloadable references. It is the world’s largest digital product and Android app store. The Google Play Store is available as an app, but also as an Internet portal. It allows you to download apps, books, music, films and series. It covers a wide range of categories, which allows it to respond, in a fun and intuitive way, to the majority of requests from Android users.

Sources: Android Police, AssembleDebug on



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