Angelina Jolie: actress doesn't regret her divorce from Brad Pitt

After their love at first sight on the shooting of the film Mr and Mrs Smith in 2004, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt stayed together for twelve years. Mythical couple crackling the cameras at each of their appearances, they officially divorced in 2019. A separation complicated to manage for the parents of Shiloh, Vivienne, Knox, Pax, Maddox and Zahara who took a long time to agree on the terms of their divorce so that their children suffer as little as possible from the situation. While she didn’t want to speak about her former husband in interviews, Angelina Jolie confided in Vogue India, Friday June 19. The actress looked back at her story and spoke for the first time about why she left Brad Pitt.

"It was the right decision "

"I separated for the sake of my family. It was the right decision. " she said. She then talked about how her children handle the separation from their parents: "I continue to focus on their recovery. Some have taken advantage of my silence, and the children see lies about themselves in the media, but I remind them that they know their own truth. In fact, they are six very brave and very strong young people. "During the confinement, Brad Pitt was able to see his children as often as he wanted. Visits that have allowed the actor to be closer to Maddox, whom he had moved away from when he left the family home. Today 'hui, the former spouses seem to have found land their relationship is much less confrontational than it has been in recent months.

Read also : Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: the actress tells how she hid so as not to cry in front of her children