Angelina Kirsch: She dreams of a wedding at Christmas time

Angelina Kirsch reveals in an interview how she envisions her dream wedding and how she plans the future with her partner.

Model and presenter Angelina Kirsch (32) envisioned her dream wedding as a child. Her big day differs from many other couples' celebrations: "I'm not going to reveal too much, but I definitely don't want to get married in spring or summer," she explains in an interview with the news agency spot on news.

She is an absolute Christmas fan and therefore would like a winter wedding around Christmas time – "with a lot of glitter, snow and cosiness." In addition, the model wants to "experience the day in private". On this Wednesday evening (November 4), the 32-year-old was supposed to moderate a live wedding at "Wedding at First Sight" (8:15 p.m., Sat.1), which, however, is canceled due to the corona. A wedding on TV is nothing for you from today's perspective, says Kirsch. "I don't want to have to worry about whether the audience feels every second as exciting as I do, whether I'm properly lit or whether everyone understands my emotional pledge because I might cry or stutter with joy."

The model already has an idea of ​​how a marriage can exist after saying yes: "This is a special bond that you should be aware of. It is important that you continue to strive for each other and the relationship despite the ring. If you don't ignore this aspect, then I don't see any disadvantages of marriage. " But when will Kirsch celebrate her dream wedding?

When does Kirsch go to the altar?

There doesn't seem to be any concrete plans with her partner yet. "I just moved in with my boyfriend. The next step that we are planning is a dream vacation together in the sun when the whole Corona spook is over. We like to plan step by step," explains Kirsch with a smile.

She spoke about her partner for the first time in March 2019 on the sidelines of a musical premiere and revealed in an interview that she had known him "before all the hype". Kirsch explains that the couple did not show themselves in public to this day. "I keep the relationship private. My boyfriend just doesn't want to be in public and of course I support and respect this wish."
