Animal activists dump 1,500 tons of grain on a railway line

VS’is a shock action that outrages. This Saturday morning, March 19, in the vicinity of Pontivy, a town in Morbihan, several activists from the collective “Bretagne contre les fermes-usines”, supported by the Extinction Rebellion group, decided to build a low wall on a railway line in order to stop a grain train destined for an animal nutrition factory, details The Republic of the Center. Once the convoy is motionless, the militants open the floodgates. Consequence: part of the load spills onto the ground.

In total, according to the Intercereal interprofession, chaired by Jean-François Loiseau and questioned by our colleagues, nearly 1,500 tonnes of cereals ended up on the ground, the equivalent of 6 million baguettes. In a press release, Intercéreales deplores this action and “warns of the consequences that this type of action could have on French consumers, as well as on the populations of countries for which the supply of wheat is vital”.

War in Ukraine

The interprofessional continues and denounces this gesture “even as the world measures day after day the consequences of the war in Ukraine on the risks of grain supply”. For its part, the collective “Brittany against factory farms” defends its strategy in a press release published on Facebook. “By dumping these cereals on the ground […]we symbolize the link to the ground to be recreated, this land which cannot bear the impact of raising such a large number of animals…” write the activists.

READ ALSOFood autonomy: in France, we eat for free!

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