Animal Crossing: 5 important features still missing from New Horizons

The conference that took place on October 15, 2021 is probably one of the best live shows Nintendo has ever put together. Responding to the expectations of fans who had been waiting since last March, the Animal Crossing Direct surprised and convinced the community by adding important missing features like Astrid, the Café de Robusto, the island decrees or the return of Tortimer. And that’s not to mention the total free of charge for this major update which was accompanied, on November 5, by a €25 DLC offering a brand new game in the game: Happy Home Paradise.

If with all this, the fans are still disappointed then you will have to come and explain to us how it is possible. However, Nintendo was clear on two important points:

  • Update 2.0 was the latest big free ACNH update,
  • The Happy Home Paradise DLC was the first and also the last paid content to be produced for ACNH.

Even if the title still receives a few patches fixing bugs since November 5, 2021, it will therefore be necessary to get used to the idea that Animal Crossing New Horizons will never receive new content again. So let’s go back to 5 big fan expectations that haven’t been added and never will be.

Not too serious shortcomings

Working at Café de Robusto

This is now completely verified: it is not not possible to work at Café de Robusto as was the case in previous games. Too happy to find this wonderful pigeon in its humble Perch, let’s admit that it’s not too bad if it is no longer possible to order and bring their favorite Cafés to the inhabitants.

Celeste’s Observatory

A bit sadder here, even though this adorable owl is definitely present in the game, Celeste only comes around once in a while to give us special items on holiday nights.shooting Stars. We will of course be satisfied with it, but we would have liked theObservatory is making a comeback on Switch, especially since it’s a console with a touch screen: it wouldn’t have been difficult to use a stylus, like on the DS, to draw constellations and be able to observe them on evening in our sky.

In order to complete your Museum in Animal Crossing New Horizons 100%, you will find in this guide the complete list of paintings and other sculptures available for purchase from Rounard, as well as explanations so as not to confuse the real ones with the fake ones. Goodbye counterfeits!

Zelda furniture and the missing inhabitants

Despite the anniversary of the license of the hero in the green suit and his princess, we still have not been treated to the return of the Zelda Furniture Series on ACNH. This may be the opportunity to release a mini update this summer, who knows? In the meantime, we can say goodbye to these adorable objects while those of Mario, them, had been added.

In the same way, and this is normal this time, a little more than 80 inhabitants have been forgotten in this opus. Given the large number already available, we obviously won’t complain. Especially since Shino, Alix or even Shimi largely compensate for this lack.

Present in previous games, some inhabitants of the Animal Crossing license have been ousted from the latest opus! Discover in pictures some of these animals that could have been your neighbors on New Horizons!

Carla and the Nook Shop expansion

However, the 2.0 update delighted us with the return of Astrid the clairvoyant, Admiral, Robusto and even Tortimer! But there are still some characters who will never make a comeback on ACNH. We especially think of Carla and her luxury furniture. Let’s be frank, we are still very happy to find the Rococo Series and tons of new furniture in the game, but the return of the Giraffe Carla would probably have made it possible to expand the Nook Shop by offering a second floor that many players were waiting for. .

Image: Animal Crossing Fandom Wiki - Animal Crossing New Horizons
Picture: Animal Crossing Fandom Wiki

Carla’s beautiful furniture

Carla has been around since the very first installment of Animal Crossing. In the first games, you had to help him clean his car and the player received a special outfit in exchange.

Carla is a giraffe but above all a luxury stylist and famous! It is from the opus on Wii that she will settle in town in order to sell luxurious and therefore very expensive furniture and clothing. On New Leaf, she offered style challenges to the player: what Maria does now in New Horizons. Moreover, the “Galeries Carla” store was run by the giraffe but it was often Maria (sister of Layette and Cousette) who was the saleswoman in her absence.

Image: Animal Crossing Fandom Wiki - Animal Crossing New Horizons
Picture: Animal Crossing Fandom Wiki

Image: Animal Crossing Fandom Wiki - Animal Crossing New Horizons
Picture: Animal Crossing Fandom Wiki

If Carla seems to have been replaced by Maria in New Horizons, the sublime furniture she offered is nonetheless absent. Many fans therefore want the return of the Bonbon furniture series, for example.

The Nook Mall

Speaking of Galeries Carla, they were present on the top floor of the Nook shopping center. This building was then much bigger than the Shop of Méli et Mélo that we know on New Horizons. With the stairs present behind the counter, there is no doubt that the store will soon benefit from a new extension: surely a second floor.

In previous games, the mall was a merger between the Nook Shop, Root’s store (plants and trees), and Carla’s store.

Image: Animal Crossing Fandom Wiki - Animal Crossing New Horizons
Picture: Animal Crossing Fandom Wiki

For comparison, in Animal Crossing New Leaf (the last opus on Nintendo 3DS), the Nook store could benefit from 5 extensions before reaching its maximum (Hypernook). Currently on ACNH, most of the sellers have now settled on Joe’s Island.

Exotic fruits and perfect fruits

This is probably the biggest disappointment of this update and the DLC. Upon arriving at the Lou Archipelago, many expected to have the opportunity to pick bananas, lemons and other lychees. The worst part of all this is that some cooking recipes use these fruits and that Morris, taking us to the island, tells us about exotic fruits. We will have to make do with the 6 fruits already available on the main island, but let’s still be satisfied to now be able to grow wheat, carrots and other vegetable shoots.

Animal Crossing New Horizons

But did you know that in previous games, other fruits were available?

In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, six new exotic fruits are added to the Series: bananas, lemons, mangoes, lychees, persimmons and durians. It was possible to make excursions to bring them back to his island!

In Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, the mobile game, grapes appear for a total of 7 fruits not yet present on Animal Crossing Switch!

What are perfect fruits?

In the same way, on New Leaf and Pocket Camp, it is possible to find perfect fruits. They are a different color from the normal fruit and are worth much more when resold. They appear completely randomly on fruit trees, but it is possible to plant perfect fruit to hope to get more (watch out for rotten fruit though!).

lucky cakes

Lucky cakes were first introduced on New Leaf (3DS): it was possible to buy two a day at the Shop of Méli et Mélo. By opening them, the player then came across exclusive furniture such as consoles, furniture from the Mario or Zelda Collection and much more.

Cakes are also present on Pocket Camp with a system a little closer to lootboxes (it is possible to spend real money to obtain them). On the mobile game (free), cakes are a way to obtain exclusive furniture (not present in other games) and with particular themes.

Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons

The Auction House

Present only on the Wii opus, the auction house made it possible to Auction items at all auction houses in cities on the player’s friend list. In sum: it was possible to deposit objects via the internet so that they are visible in the auction houses of your friends. Similarly, you could buy your friends’ items through this feature.

You then have to choose a starting price for your item and wait for your friends to bid.

A great feature that would be very practical on Animal Crossing New Horizons and a good alternative to Nookazon too, right?

Image: Animal Crossing Fandom Wiki - Animal Crossing New Horizons
Picture: Animal Crossing Fandom Wiki

NPCs that have disappeared

Besides the Doctor Ciboulot, some emblematic NPCs of the license are still missing. We will find for example:

  • Max, the twin brother of Marie who proposed a witness village: the player could then visit the houses of other players encountered via the StreetPass.
  • Opelia and her sister Elisabec who held the Post office of the previous opuses. Anthony, he delivered the mail. Today, all you have to do is go to the airport and use the postcard turnstile to send letters.
  • Bianca, the faceless white cat that came randomly in the cities: it was then necessary to draw a face for it.
Picture: Animal-crossing-020498 - Animal Crossing New Horizons
Image: Animal-crossing-020498

  • charlie : we had an event with this adorable cat (the labyrinth), but we must admit that we miss his dialogues! Before, he accompanied the player until he moved in.
  • Lionel who was the manager of the AJD (Academy of Merry Decorators),
  • Helium who popped up from time to time to give away balloons and other paraphernalia.

Note that if all these features are not present in ACNH, it does not matter. New Horizons is a different game from its predecessors offering new content (such as crafting or cooking). It doesn’t need to copy over old games, and since the 2.0 update it has become much more comprehensive.

Yes, you read correctly. Here’s why the Egg Festival, aka Easter, is THE event not to miss on Animal Crossing New Horizons. If you don’t want Albin haunting you at night, read this article.

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