Animal rescue – Carinthian fire brigade had to rescue dog from roof

On Wednesday, the volunteer fire brigade of Strasbourg was called out to an unusual operation. The call was: “Animal in distress – dog on the roof!”

The 13 comrades of the Strasbourg fire brigade must have smiled a little when they received the call on Wednesday. Because they received the following alarm from the state alarm and warning center: “Animal in distress – dog on roof!” Through open window onto roof When the Florainis arrived at the scene, the strange call turned out to be true. The four-legged friend had probably got onto the roof through an open window of an apartment and was no longer able to get to safety on its own. The firefighters therefore used a ladder to gain access to the dog and were able to guide it back to the open window. The animal was returned to its owner in good health. The animal operation lasted for three quarters of an hour.
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