Animal video: girl sings farewell song for dying cat

Little Abby has shared her entire life with her beloved cat, Bailey. When she is dying, she sings her a farewell song that gets under her skin.

When a beloved pet dies, it is often like the loss of a loved one in the family. This farewell is a hard blow, especially for children, who have often spent their entire life with the animal. It is also a shock for four-year-old Abby when her aging cat Bailey suddenly lies dying. She takes her friend lovingly in her arms and sings her one last farewell song – a moment when most adults feel a lump in their throat.

What to do if the pet dies

Such a situation is very difficult for many parents – especially as they often mourn the deceased animal themselves. In many cases, the adults then try to console their children with untruths that are easier to cope with – for example the old excuse that the beloved animal "moved away" for a short time because it would rather live "on a beautiful farm". But that is a mistake and makes the child even more insecure. Even if the truth hurts: honesty just comes first. Children are good at dealing with the reality of life and death and at this moment they need parents above all who can give them support and comfort and who can answer their questions calmly and, above all, honestly.

Comforting answers for grieving children

Above all, it is important that you take the child seriously in his grief – even if an animal has died to which you had no close bond (such as a goldfish). For the child it was an important part of his life, and the sadness is great even with small animals. Often children also feel guilty and fear that they are directly or indirectly responsible for the death of their animal. Here, too, it is important to explain with feeling that death is unfortunately inevitable and that even the best care cannot stop it. Above all, however, you can explain to a child that his animal received and enjoyed deep love and attention from the family every day during its lifetime, and that your child will continue to carry this love in their hearts – even if it is very painful at the moment.
